Why we follow – Part 1 – Followership is like love
Through the years I’ve found that one way of explaining the very essence of followership is to compare it with love. We can be forced to do a lot of things that we associated with love, such as having sex, getting married, having kids etc., but that’s not love.
No one can make you love them. In fact, no one can make you feel anything and it’s the same with followership. No one can force you to follow them. You can feel obligated, or even be forced to obey someone, but that doesn’t mean you follow them.
In other words, the first thing to understand about followership is that it’s voluntary. It originates from within a person. No one but you decide who you want to follow, how you want to follow or when you want to follow.
In the next video, we’ll have a look at what triggers people follow.
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