
This resource page offers tools and materials to support meaningful discussions and inspire new perspectives on leadership and natural followership. If you have questions or requests, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Resources for teachers

Here you find exercises designed to help teachers facilitate meaningful discussions regarding leadership and followership. By using this resource, educators can encourage critical thinking and guide students to navigate the complexities of contemporary leadership and followership mindsets.

Usage Policy

These documents and their contents are free to use and share for educational purposes. They’re intended to support teachers in facilitating classroom discussions and helping students critically review contemporary perspectives on leadership and expand their perspectives on followership.

Please note that these documents may not be sold, distributed for profit, or used for commercial purposes.

Exercise 1: How Important Are Leaders? 

About this exercise: 

This exercise serves as an excellent introduction to the concepts of leadership and followership. While most people have opinions about what makes a leader and how important leaders are, few take the time to question where these beliefs come from or how they shape their worldview.

The goal of this exercise is to prompt students to critically examine how leadership is perceived and its ingrained role in contemporary thinking.


Exercise 2: Qualities of a leader and follower

About this exercise: 

This exercise encourages students to critically reflect on their own—and others’—conscious and subconscious views of leaders and followers. It also prompts them to consider how these perspectives shape their understanding of the world.
