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Discover followership and change the world

We live in a time when people are obsessed with leadership, believing leaders shape the world we live in. But is this really the case? 

Join me as I study the world from a follower perspective. Discover the power and potential of true followership. 


Please note – Since January 2024, all of our newsletters are published on substack. To get access, visit our substack page or subscribe above – it’s free!  



Hippo in zebra colours looking at a bird - by chris Monö

We all have our own set of skills and talents. But different situations require different types of knowledge and abilities. For this …

In the previous post, we concluded that followership is voluntary, that it, like love, starts within a person. But then the next …

Through the years I’ve found that one way of explaining the very essence of followership is to compare it with love. We …

Followers and self-leadership

I feel that I need to say a few words about self-leadership. Sometimes I meet people who get a little bit confused …

Followers are not sheep

In the previous post- what do we know about followers – I mentioned that no one wants to be a follower. The …

People spend years studying how to lead but not a day learning how to follow. Companies are no better. They invest millions …

What is followership?

I’ve spent more than 15 years studying followership, but what is followership? Well, simply put it’s how and why we follow people. …

Have you ever thought about the fact that people are obsessed with leadership but completely uninterested in those who follow? It’s strange, isn’t …